Seeking Justice: The Role of an Injury Lawyer in Medical Malpractice Cases

Injury lawyer medical malpractice is one of the most complex and challenging personal injury cases. It involves a medical professional who has caused an injury to a patient due to their negligence or malpractice. This could include doctors, nurses, physician’s assistants, ER staff and other healthcare professionals. It also includes hospitals and their administrative staff. Malpractice claims are among the most difficult to prove and typically require a skilled New York medical malpractice attorney to be successful.

To file a medical malpractice claim, you must first be able to prove that your healthcare provider breached their duty of care to you as a patient. This breach must have directly resulted in your injury. It is not enough to just show that there was a breach, as you must also be able to show that your injury would not have happened in the absence of the healthcare practitioner’s error or negligence.

Your next step is to demonstrate that the breach of duty has caused you injury lawyer that are compensable under New York law. This includes the medical expenses you have incurred, as well as your loss of income. New York law also allows you to recover compensation for your non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering.

When calculating the value of your losses, your legal team will review all of the financial documents related to your case. This will include your medical records and any other documentation that supports your losses. Your New York medical malpractice attorney will then determine if you are entitled to compensation for your losses.

It is important to note that your claim must be filed within a certain amount of time after the malpractice or negligent act. This is usually two and a half years, though each state sets its own statute of limitations. In some states, the statute of limitations will continue to run even after the medical professional has stopped treating you. Your attorney will be able to explain how the statute of limitations applies to your specific case.

If you have suffered an injury because of a doctor’s negligence or malpractice, contact an experienced New York medical malpractice attorney immediately. The lawyers at Shaevitz & Shaevitz can help you with your medical malpractice claim and determine if you are eligible to receive compensation for your injuries. They work on a contingency basis, meaning that you will not have to pay any upfront fees and will only be liable for a fee if they successfully recover a settlement or verdict for you. To schedule a free consultation with an experienced medical malpractice attorney, call today.