Yell Media Training Administrations

Best of all, your students will be able to test their knowledge with the power of Google’s latest and greatest k-12 offerings. Shout Media is an award-winning digital and mobile media company with a statewide footprint. With the help of a hefty budget and the good ol’ school of hard knocks, the company has a knack for finding and developing new technologies that will make your teachers and students happier and more productive. With a focus on mobile, social, and digital, the company is well-positioned to lead the field. Its flagship products are a robust line of consumer and enterprise products and services, including the industry-leading KnowBe4TM. Known for its impressive suite of products and solutions, the company is a trusted partner in many of its clients’ success.

Shout media education this hyperlink entails a range of activities designed to engage and delight students and adults. It can be as simple as a YouTube channel or as complex as developing a media strategy to increase student retention, improve test scores and help teachers make the most of their time.

One such program is the Quakertown School District’s TED Talk-style multimedia showcase, which has garnered a lot of buzz in the education community. It has more than a half-dozen videos, including some nifty tricks for keeping the kids engaged during the school day and in class after school.

The aforementioned TED Talk is part of an overall media and technology strategy that includes the school’s new Twitter feed, a mobile app and a dedicated website. This innovative approach has been hailed by educators and administration alike for its simplicity, ease of use, and potential to spark creativity and innovation.

It has also spawned a number of other related initiatives including the district’s first social media training sessions and the launch of a hashtag competition for teachers to submit their best teaching and learning stories.